Odd Whirled is brought to you as a strange collection of things that exist... or do they? While we certainly don't claim to know whether the things presented on this site are in fact true, we do bring them to your attention - if for no other reason, for informational and entertainment purposes,
Feel free to research these topics further. In fact, we strongly encourage and advise it. Let's face it, we live in a strange world, full of mysteries and conspiracies, and a confusing web of conflicting information to thwart our discovery efforts. The topics covered in this blog-site are varied and indeed - odd. And, while some of them might seem unbelievable, we will do our best to offer video, pictures, news links, and perhaps (whenever possible), we will provide multiple links to unrelated sources of more information on the web.
We do not always agree with or endorse the information we present, but may find that the existence of the information itself is odd. None of the information we present here should be considered proof of facts or truth, but simply a way share and say out loud, "Hm, that's odd." So again, research these things for yourself, don't rely on us to solve any mysteries for you, or reveal the long awaited answers to any conspiracies, or even to present the complete truth. The truth is, we wouldn't be posting it if it made sense. And that is the point and purpose of Odd Whirled.